Beach Walk Sponsor

Beach Walk Sponsor

from $250.00
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You’re invited to be a sponsor of the 14th Annual Beach Walk fundraiser! This event brings critical support to Hope Villages of America and HEP (Homeless Empowerment Project) who serve local individuals, families, domestic abuse victims, and veterans in our community. This event is comprised of an online auction, which will last for a week leading up to the main event, then the day of the Walk, the auction will close and all participants enjoy a complimentary breakfast hosted by The ClearSky Cafe! 

All levels of sponsorship will be promoted based on the value of the donation. Diamond and Platinum level sponsors will receive premium marketing placement across print and digital platforms. Cross promotion with the recipient organizations will also add value to the sponsorship.

The cutoff for sponsorships is January 20, 2023 in order to create marking materials leading up to the day of the walk, ad presence the day of the walk, and the “Thank You” ads that will be created after the event.